ES6 Everyday: The End

We made it!

(Huge thanks to the ES6 Compatibility Table and the Mozilla Developer Network (MDN), which I relied on heavily in putting together this series of posts)

Over the past two months, we’ve broken the seemingly overwhelming ECMAScript 6 standard into digestible little pieces:

  1. Introduction
  2. Default Parameter Values
  3. Spread Operator
  4. Rest Parameters
  5. Destructuring
  6. Binary and Octal Literals
  7. Template Strings
  8. Tagged Template Strings
  9. Sticky Regex Matches
  10. New String Methods
  11. const Keyword
  12. let Keyword
  13. Arrow Functions
  14. New Math Methods
  15. New Number Methods and Properties
  16. Classes
  17. Static Class Members
  18. Class Inheritance
  19. Extending Built-in Classes
  20. Promises
  21. Symbols
  22. for..of Loops and the Iterable Protocol
  23. The Iterator Protocol
  24. Generator Functions
  25. yield* Keyword
  26. Maps
  27. Sets
  28. WeakMaps
  29. WeakSets
  30. New Array Methods
  31. Typed Arrays
  32. New Object Methods
  33. Computed Properties
  34. Shorthand Properties and Methods
  35. Modules
  36. Proxies
  37. Reflect

Now let’s go out there and make some cool stuff!

(And get ready for ES7)