CSS3 Navi

I’m pretty pumped for the upcoming The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, so I decided to try and recreate Navi with only CSS. Here’s the final result (in Firefox 4.0):

CSS3 Navi (FF4)

To get the glowing effect, I layered multiple box shadows on top of each other:

box-shadow: 0 0 20px #97B2DF,
			0 0 20px #97B2DF,
			0 0 20px #97B2DF,
			0 0 20px #97B2DF,
			0 0 20px #97B2DF,
			0 0 20px #97B2DF,
			0 0 20px #97B2DF,
			0 0 20px #97B2DF,
			0 0 20px #97B2DF;

For the wings, I applied a heavy border radius and then rotated them with transform:

border-radius: 0 20px 200px 200px;
transform: rotate(-40deg);

View the live demo!

Of course, here’s the obligatory (and unfair) IE6 comparison:

CSS3 Navi (IE6)